Saturday, July 28, 2012

Rules for preparation of Owners Equity Statements in accordance with IAS-1

Structure and content for Statement of changes in equity according to IAS-1:
Under paragraph 106:
An entity shall present a statement of changes in equity as required by paragraph 10.
The statement of changes in equity includes the following information:
(a) total comprehensive income for the period, showing separately the total amounts attributable to owners of the parent and to non-controlling interest;
(b) for each component of equity, the effects of retrospective application or retrospective restatement recognized in accordance with IAS 8; and
(c) [deleted]
(d) for each component of equity, a reconciliation between the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period, separately disclosing changes resulting from:
      (i) profit or loss;
      (ii) other comprehensive income; and
      (iii) transactions with owners in their capacity as owners, showing separately   contributions by and distributions to owners and changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control.

106A For each component of equity an entity shall present, either in the statement of changes in equity or in the notes, an analysis of other comprehensive income by item .

Under paragraph 107:
An entity shall present, either in the statement of changes in equity or in the notes, the amounts of dividends recognized as distributions to owners during the period, and the related amount of dividends per share.

Under paragraph 108:
In paragraph 106, the components of equity include, for example, each class of contributed equity, the accumulated balance of each class of other comprehensive income and retained earnings.

Under paragraph 109:
Changes in an entity’s equity between the beginning and the end of the reporting period reflect the increase or decrease in its net assets during the period. Except for changes resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as owners (such as equity contributions, reacquisition of the entity’s own equity instruments and dividends) and transaction costs directly related to such transactions, the overall change in equity during a period represents the total amount of income and expense, including gains and losses, generated by the entity’s activities during that period.


Anonymous said...

very informative post indeed.. being enrolled in,I was looking for such articles online to assist me in IAS Hindi.. and your post helped me a lot :) .one more thing,can you recommend me few books for IAS Hindi which can further assist me in my preparation.any advice will be highly obliged and appreciated. :)

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